class WorkerPool { static async create() { const worker_pool = new this(); worker_pool.#update_pool(); return worker_pool; } constructor(worker_count=navigator.hardwareConcurrency) { Object.defineProperties(this, { worker_count: { value: worker_count, enumerable: true, }, }); this.#workers = []; } #workers; get workers (){ if (this.#workers.some(w => w.terminated)) { this.#update_pool(); } return this.#workers; } async #update_pool() { this.#workers = this.#workers.filter(w => !w.terminated); for (let i = this.#workers.length; i < this.worker_count; i++) { this.#workers.push(await create_worker({ keepalive: true })); } } }; keepalive(); bqx.WorkerPool = WorkerPool; const html = ` <style> #ode_plotter_info_display { display: flex; gap: 2rem; } #ode_plotter_play_controls { padding-top: 0.5rem; padding-bottom: 0.5rem; } #ode_plotter_controls { width: fit-content; } #ode_plotter_controls div * { vertical-align: middle; } #ode_plotter_adjustments { display: grid; grid-template-columns: max-content max-content; gap: 0.5rem; } #ode_plotter_adjustments label { justify-self: end; } #ode_plotter_config_display { width: fit-content; font-family: monospace; } .ode_plotter_display { margin-left: 0.1rem; padding: 0 0.5rem; background-color: #eee; } .hidden { display: none; } </style> <div id="ode_plotter_play_controls"> <button id="ode_plotter_go">Go</button> <button id="ode_plotter_pause" class="hidden">Pause</button> </div> <div id="ode_plotter_info_display"> <div id="ode_plotter_controls"> <div id="ode_plotter_adjustments"> <label for="points_per_loop">Time steps per loop</label> <div> <input id="points_per_loop" type="range" min="1" max="10000" value="1000"> <span id="points_per_loop_display" class="ode_plotter_display"></span> </div> <label for="loop_delay">Loop delay</label> <div> <input id="loop_delay" type="range" min="0" max="500" value="0"> <span id="loop_delay_display" class="ode_plotter_display"></span> ms </div> <label for="points_shown">Time steps shown</label> <div> <input id="points_shown" type="range" min="0" max="100000" step="10" value="20000"> <span id="points_shown_display" class="ode_plotter_display"></span> </div> <label for="point_count_display">Total time steps</label> <div> <span id="point_count_display" class="ode_plotter_display"></span> </div> <label class="hidden" for="point_cloud_loop_display">Point cloud steps</label> <div class="hidden"> <span id="point_cloud_loop_display" class="ode_plotter_display"></span> </div> <label class="hidden" for="point_cloud_points_per_loop">PC steps per loop</label> <div class="hidden"> <input id="point_cloud_points_per_loop" type="range" min="1" max="100" value="1"> <span id="point_cloud_points_per_loop_display" class="ode_plotter_display"></span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="ode_plotter_config_display"></div> </div> <div id="ode_plotter_plot"></div> `; const worker_pool = await bqx.WorkerPool.create(); const Plotly = await load_Plotly(); function setup(ocx, the_equation_def) { ocx.update_style({ "white-space": "normal", }); ocx.create_child().innerHTML = html; const plot_el = document.getElementById('ode_plotter_plot'); const go_button = document.getElementById('ode_plotter_go'); const pause_button = document.getElementById('ode_plotter_pause'); function set_go_button_state(running) { if (running) { go_button.innerText = 'Stop'; } else { go_button.innerText = 'Go'; } } function set_pause_button_state(paused, running) { pause_button.innerText = paused ? 'Resume' : 'Pause'; if (running) { pause_button.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { pause_button.classList.add('hidden'); } } set_go_button_state(false); set_pause_button_state(false, false); const points_per_loop_el = document.getElementById('points_per_loop'); const loop_delay_el = document.getElementById('loop_delay'); const points_shown_el = document.getElementById('points_shown'); const point_count_display_el = document.getElementById('point_count_display'); const point_cloud_loop_display_el = document.getElementById('point_cloud_loop_display'); const point_cloud_loop_display_parent_el = point_cloud_loop_display_el.parentElement; const point_cloud_loop_display_label_el = document.querySelector('label[for="point_cloud_loop_display"]'); const point_cloud_points_per_loop_label_el = document.querySelector('label[for="point_cloud_points_per_loop"]'); const point_cloud_points_per_loop_el = document.getElementById('point_cloud_points_per_loop'); const point_cloud_points_per_loop_parent_el = point_cloud_points_per_loop_el.parentElement; for (const range_id of [ 'points_per_loop', 'loop_delay', 'points_shown', 'point_cloud_points_per_loop', ]) { const range_el = document.getElementById(range_id); const display_el = document.getElementById(`${range_id}_display`); display_el.innerText = range_el.value; range_el.addEventListener('input', (event) => { display_el.innerText = range_el.value; }); } function set_point_cloud_loop_display(visible, value='') { point_cloud_loop_display.innerText = value; const affected_els = [ point_cloud_loop_display_parent_el, point_cloud_loop_display_label_el, point_cloud_points_per_loop_label_el, point_cloud_points_per_loop_parent_el, ]; if (visible) { for (const el of affected_els) { el.classList.remove('hidden'); } } else { for (const el of affected_els) { el.classList.add('hidden'); } } } set_point_cloud_loop_display(false); const config_display_el = document.getElementById('ode_plotter_config_display'); function display_config(config) { if (!config) { config_display_el.classList.add('hidden'); config_display_el.innerText = ''; } else { config_display_el.classList.remove('hidden'); const { dt, x0, params, skip, steps, point_cloud } = config; const lines = []; lines.push('--- CONFIG ---'); lines.push(`dt: ${dt}`); lines.push(`x0: [${x0.join(', ')}]`); if (params) { let params_str; if (typeof params === 'object') { try { params_str = JSON.stringify(params); } catch (_) { params_str = params.toString(); } } else { params_str = params.toString(); } lines.push(`params: ${params_str}`); } if (skip) { lines.push(`skip: ${skip}`); } if (steps) { lines.push(`steps: ${steps}`); } if (point_cloud) { const { n, c, r, dt:pc_dt=dt, steps:pc_steps } = point_cloud; lines.push(`--- point cloud ---`); lines.push(`n: ${n}, c: [${c.join(', ')}], dt: ${pc_dt}${pc_steps ? `, steps:${pc_steps}` : ''}}`); } config_display_el.innerText = lines.join('\n'); } } display_config(); const plot_height = 720; = `height: ${plot_height}px`; const Generator = Object.getPrototypeOf(function*(){}).constructor; function validate_f(f) { if (typeof f !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('f must be a function'); } } function validate_integrator(integrator) { if (typeof integrator !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('integrator must be a function'); } } function validate_point_cloud(point_cloud) { if ( typeof point_cloud !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('point_cloud must be an object') } const { n, c, r, dt, steps } = point_cloud; if (typeof n === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('point_cloud.n must be defined'); } else if (!Number.isInteger(n) || n <= 0) { throw new TypeError('point_cloud.n must be a positive integer'); } if (typeof c === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('point_cloud.c must be defined'); } else if (!Array.isArray(c) || c.length <= 0 || c.some(e => (typeof e !== 'number'))) { throw new TypeError(`point_cloud.c must be a non-empty array of numbers`); } if (typeof r === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('point_cloud.r must be defined'); } else if (typeof r !== 'number' || r <= 0) { throw new TypeError('point_cloud.r must be a positive number'); } if (typeof dt !== 'undefined' && (typeof dt !== 'number' || dt <= 0)) { throw new TypeError(`point_cloud.dt must be a positive number`); } if (typeof steps !== 'undefined' && (!Number.isInteger(steps) || steps < 0)) { throw new TypeError('steps point_cloudmust be a non-negative integer'); } } function validate_config(config, structure_name='config') { if ( typeof config !== 'object') { throw new TypeError(`${structure_name} must be an object`) } const { integrator, dt, x0, skip, steps, point_cloud } = config; // params is unrestricted if (integrator) { validate_integrator(integrator); } if (typeof dt !== 'undefined' && (typeof dt !== 'number' || dt <= 0)) { throw new TypeError(`${structure_name}.dt must be a positive number`); } if (typeof x0 !== 'undefined' && (!Array.isArray(x0) || x0.length <= 0 || x0.some(e => (typeof e !== 'number'))) ) { throw new TypeError(`${structure_name}.x0 must be a non-empty array of numbers`); } if (typeof skip !== 'undefined' && (!Number.isInteger(skip) || skip < 0)) { throw new TypeError(`${structure_name}.skip must be a non-negative integer`); } if (typeof steps !== 'undefined' && (!Number.isInteger(steps) || steps < 0)) { throw new TypeError(`${structure_name}.steps must be a non-negative integer`); } if (point_cloud) { validate_point_cloud(point_cloud); } } function validate_equation_def(equation_def) { if ( typeof equation_def !== 'object') { throw new TypeError('equation definition must be an object') } validate_config(equation_def, 'equation_def'); // equation_def is a subclass of config const { title, f, iter, iter_delay } = equation_def; if (typeof title !== 'undefined' && typeof title !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('equation_def.title must be a string'); } if (iter) { const iterator_fn = iter[Symbol.iterator]; if ( (typeof iterator_fn !== 'undefined' && typeof iterator_fn !== 'function') && !(iter instanceof Generator) ) { throw new TypeError('equation_def.iter must be an iterable or a generator function'); } } if (typeof iter_delay !== 'undefined' && (typeof iter_delay !== 'number' || iter_delay < 0)) { throw new TypeError('equation_def.iter_delay must be a non-negative number'); } if (typeof f === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('equation_def.f must be defined'); } else { validate_f(f); } } let runner; const set_running_state = (running) => { runner?.stop(); if (running) { const new_runner = new Runner(the_equation_def); runner = new_runner; new_runner.done.then( () => { if (!new_runner.stopped) { set_running_state(false); } }, error => { if (!new_runner.stopped) { set_running_state(false); } } ); point_count_display_el.innerText = ''; go_button.innerText = 'Stop'; document.getElementById('ode_plotter_play_controls').scrollIntoView(); } else { runner = undefined; go_button.innerText = 'Go'; } } go_button.addEventListener('click', async (event) => { set_running_state(!runner); }); class Runner { constructor(equation_def) { validate_equation_def(equation_def); this._equation_def = equation_def; this._xs = []; this._ys = []; this._zs = []; this._cs = []; this._gdata = [{ name: 'equation', type: 'scatter3d', mode: 'lines', x: this._xs, y: this._ys, z: this._zs, opacity: 1, line: { width: 3, color: this._cs, reversescale: false, }, }]; this._extrema_trace = { name: 'extrema', showlegend: false, type: 'scatter3d', mode: 'markers', x: [], y: [], z: [], marker: { color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.01)', size: 1, }, }; this._gdata.push(this._extrema_trace); display_config(); set_point_cloud_loop_display(false); this._mouse_paused = false; this._the_plot_el_mousedown_handler = (event) => { this._mouse_paused = true; }; this._the_plot_el_mousedown_handler_options = { capture: true }; this._the_plot_el_mouseup_handler = (event) => { this._mouse_paused = false; }; this._the_plot_el_mouseup_handler_options = { capture: true }; plot_el.addEventListener( 'mousedown', this._the_plot_el_mousedown_handler, this._the_plot_el_mousedown_handler_options ); plot_el.addEventListener( 'mouseup', this._the_plot_el_mouseup_handler, this._the_plot_el_mouseup_handler_options ); this._button_paused = false; this._the_pause_button_click_handler = (event) => { this._button_paused = !this._button_paused; set_pause_button_state(this._button_paused, this._running); }; this._the_pause_button_click_handler_options = {}; pause_button.addEventListener( 'click', this._the_pause_button_click_handler, this._the_pause_button_click_handler_options ); this._stopped = false; this._running = false; this._done = new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { this._running = true; set_go_button_state(this._running); set_pause_button_state(this._button_paused, this._running); try { const { title, f, iter_delay } = this._equation_def; let { iter } = this._equation_def; if (!iter) { iter = [{}]; // one empty config } else if (iter instanceof Generator) { iter = iter(this._equation_def); } // iter is now an iterable let first_iteration = true; for (const config of iter) { if (!this._running) { break; } this._clear_data(); const merged_config = { ...this._equation_def, // this._equation_def may contain config properties ...config, // config properties override those in this._equation_def }; validate_config(merged_config); if (iter_delay && !first_iteration) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, iter_delay)); } first_iteration = false; const { integrator, dt, x0, params, skip=0, steps=Infinity, point_cloud } = merged_config; if (typeof integrator === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('integrator was not specified'); } if (typeof dt === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('dt was not specified'); } if (typeof x0 === 'undefined') { throw new TypeError('x0 was not specified'); } display_config(merged_config); let x = [ ...x0 ]; // copy x0 to insulate from mutation if (skip <= 0) { this._add(x); } let plot_fn = Plotly.newPlot; let point_count = 0; while (this._running && point_count < skip+steps) { if (!this.paused) { const points_per_loop = parseInt(points_per_loop_el.value); for (let lp = 0; lp < points_per_loop; lp++) { if (!this._running) { break; } x = integrator(dt, f, x, params); point_count++; if (point_count >= skip) { this._add(x); } if (point_count >= skip+steps) { break; } } this._trim_data(); if (point_count >= skip) { this._draw_data(plot_fn); plot_fn = Plotly.react; } point_count_display_el.innerText = point_count; } if (point_count < skip+steps) { const loop_delay = parseInt(loop_delay_el.value); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, loop_delay)); } } // Done plotting graph for this config. // Finally, run its point cloud, if any. if (this._running && point_cloud) { await this._run_point_cloud(f, merged_config); } } // done resolve(); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message, err.stack); alert(`${err.message}\n\n${err.stack}`); reject(err); } }); } get running (){ return this._running; } get paused (){ return this._mouse_paused || this._button_paused; } get stopped (){ return this._stopped; } get done (){ return this._done; } stop() { this._stopped = true; this._running = false; plot_el.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', this._the_plot_el_mousedown_handler, this._the_plot_el_mousedown_handler_options ); plot_el.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', this._the_plot_el_mouseup_handler, this._the_plot_el_mouseup_handler_options ); pause_button.removeEventListener( 'click', this._the_pause_button_click_handler, this._the_pause_button_click_handler_options ); this._button_paused = false; set_pause_button_state(this._button_paused, this._running); } // internal _clear_data() { this._xs.splice(0, this._xs.length); this._ys.splice(0, this._ys.length); this._zs.splice(0, this._zs.length); this._cs.splice(0, this._cs.length); } _trim_data() { let limit = parseInt(points_shown_el.value); if (isNaN(limit)) { limit = 0; } if (this._xs.length > limit) { this._xs.splice(0, this._xs.length-limit); this._ys.splice(0, this._ys.length-limit); this._zs.splice(0, this._zs.length-limit); this._cs.splice(0, this._cs.length-limit); } } _add([x, y, z], c=1) { this._xs.push(x ?? 0); this._ys.push(y ?? 0); this._zs.push(z ?? 0); this._cs.push(c); } _draw_data(plot_fn, no_update_revision=false) { // update extrema let values_seen = false; let min_x = Infinity, max_x = -Infinity, min_y = Infinity, max_y = -Infinity, min_z = Infinity, max_z = -Infinity; for (const trace of this._gdata) { if (trace.x.length > 0 || trace.y.length > 0 || trace.z.length > 0) { values_seen = true; } for (const v of trace.x) { if (v < min_x) { min_x = v; } if (v > max_x) { max_x = v; } } for (const v of trace.y) { if (v < min_y) { min_y = v; } if (v > max_y) { max_y = v; } } for (const v of trace.z) { if (v < min_z) { min_z = v; } if (v > max_z) { max_z = v; } } } if (values_seen) { this._extrema_trace.x = [ min_x, max_x ]; this._extrema_trace.y = [ min_y, max_y ]; this._extrema_trace.z = [ min_z, max_z ]; } // update layout const layout = { height: plot_height, }; if (!no_update_revision) { layout.datarevision =; } // note: plot_el._fullLayout is undocumented... if (plot_el._fullLayout?.scene?.camera) { layout.scene = { camera:, }; } if (this._equation_def?.title) { layout.title = this._equation_def.title; } plot_fn(plot_el, this._gdata, layout); } async _run_point_cloud(f, config) { const { integrator, dt, x0, params, point_cloud } = config; const { n, c, r, dt:pc_dt=dt, steps=Infinity } = point_cloud; const ArrayType = Float64Array; set_point_cloud_loop_display(true, ''); // config contains point_cloud // assume config has already been validated if (!this._gdata) { throw new Error('unexpected: !this._gdata'); } // set up workers const worker_count = worker_pool.workers.length; const points_per_worker = Math.floor(n / worker_count); const worker_descs = [ ...worker_pool.workers ].map((worker, index) => { const start = index*points_per_worker; const end = (index >= worker_count-1) ? n : (start + points_per_worker); const point_count = (end - start); const pc_trace = { name: 'point cloud', showlegend: true, type: 'scatter3d', mode: 'markers', marker: { color: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1.0)', size: 1, }, x: new ArrayType(point_count), y: new ArrayType(point_count), z: new ArrayType(point_count), }; return { worker, index, point_count, pc_trace, }; }); // initialize worker state, etc for (const worker_desc of worker_descs) { const worker = worker_desc.worker; const pc_trace = worker_desc.pc_trace; // initialize pc_trace x, y, z arrays with the initial values for (let i = 0; i < worker_desc.point_count; i++) { // generate the initial positions of the points // the points we generate here lie in a N-cube centered at c // with side length 2*r (where N = c.length). const [ x, y, z ] = => xi + r*2*(Math.random() - 0.5)); pc_trace.x[i] = x; pc_trace.y[i] = y; pc_trace.z[i] = z; } // add new trace to the graphics data this._gdata.push(pc_trace); // set up worker state await worker.eval(` const { pc_dt, params, point_count, x, y, z } = this; Object.assign(globalThis, { pc_dt, params, point_count, x, y, z }); globalThis.integrator = ${integrator.toString()}; globalThis.f = ${f.toString()}; globalThis.points_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(point_count*3*Float64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT); globalThis.points = []; for (let i = 0; i < point_count; i++) { const point_view = new Float64Array(globalThis.points_buffer, i*3*Float64Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT, 3); point_view[0] = x[i]; point_view[1] = y[i]; point_view[2] = z[i]; globalThis.points.push(point_view); } `, { pc_dt, params, point_count: worker_desc.point_count, x: pc_trace.x, y: pc_trace.y, z: pc_trace.z, }); } main_loop: for (let s = 0; s < steps; /* s incremented below */) { while (this.paused && this._running) { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve), 100); } if (!this._running) { break main_loop; } // start calculations in workers first, then draw, // then wait for calculations to complete const iterations = parseInt(point_cloud_points_per_loop_el.value); const calc_promise = Promise.all( => { return worker_desc.worker .eval(` const { iterations } = this; for (let iteration = 0; iteration < iterations; iteration++) { for (let i = 0; i < point_count; i++) { const point = points[i]; const p = integrator(pc_dt, f, point, params); x[i] = point[0] = p[0]; y[i] = point[1] = p[1]; z[i] = point[2] = p[2]; } } return [ x, y, z ]; `, { iterations } ) .then(([ new_x, new_y, new_z ]) => { worker_desc.pc_trace.x = new_x; worker_desc.pc_trace.y = new_y; worker_desc.pc_trace.z = new_z; }) }) ); this._draw_data(Plotly.react, true); await calc_promise; s += iterations; set_point_cloud_loop_display(true, s+1); const loop_delay = parseInt(loop_delay_el.value); await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, loop_delay)); } } } setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('ode_plotter_adjustments').scrollIntoView(false); go_button.focus(); }, 500); } bqx.setup = setup; // integrator: // f(x) returns xdot which has the same dimension as x // integrator returns a new x with the same dimension as the original function runge_kutta_integrator(dt, f, x, params) { // This is an implementation of the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method // as presented in Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Second Edition, by // Steven H. Strogatz, page 34. // This implementation works for x with arbitrary dimension. const k1 = f( x, params ).map( xidot => xidot*dt ); const k2 = f( (xi, i) => xi + k1[i]/2 ), params ).map( xidot => xidot*dt ); const k3 = f( (xi, i) => xi + k2[i]/2 ), params ).map( xidot => xidot*dt ); const k4 = f( (xi, i) => xi + k3[i]), params ).map( xidot => xidot*dt ); return (xi, i) => xi + (k1[i] + 2*k2[i] + 2*k3[i] + k4[i])/6 ); } bqx.runge_kutta_integrator = runge_kutta_integrator; const go = bqx.setup.bind(bqx, ocx); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // EquationDef = Config + { // title?: string, // f: Function, // iter?: iterable<Config>|generator<Config>(def: EquationDef), // iter_delay?: number, // } // // Config = { // integrator?: (dt: number, f: Function, x: number[], params: any) => number[], // dt?: number, // x0?: number[], // params?: any, // skip?: integer, // steps?: integer, // point_cloud?: PointCloud, // } // // PointCloud = { // n: integer, // c: number[]; // r: number, // dt?: number, // steps?: integer, // } // // Function = (x: number[], params?: any) => number[] // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Definitions for some chaotic attractors provided by Dr. James P. Crutchfield // (one of the pioneers of Chaos Theory). // // For more information on chaotic attractors see Lecture 3 on the Roadmap page at the course: // // const integrator = bqx.runge_kutta_integrator; const lorenz_def = { title: 'Lorenz Attractor', integrator, dt: 0.005, x0: [3, 3, 1], f: ( (sigma=10, r=28, b=8/3) => ([x, y, z]) => [ // this is f, and it takes 1 argument which is decomposed into [x, y, z] sigma*(y - x), r*x - y - x*z, x*y - b*z, ] )() }; const owl_def = { title: 'Owl Attractor', integrator, dt: 0.005, x0: [3, 3, 1], f: ( (a=10, b=10, c=13) => ([x, y, z]) => [ -a*(x + y), -y - b*x*z, 10*x*y + c, ] )() }; const rossler_def = { title: 'Rössler Attractor', integrator, dt: 0.008, x0: [10, 10, 1], f: ( (a=0.2, b=0.2, c=5.7) => ([x, y, z]) => [ -y - z, x + a*y, b + z*(x - c), ] )() }; const rikitake0_def = { // see: title: 'Rikitake Attractor ( from )', integrator, dt: 0.01, x0: [3, 1, 6], f: ( (alpha=5, beta=2) => ([x, y, z]) => [ -beta*x + y*z, -beta*y - alpha*x + x*z, 1 - x*y, ] )() }; const rikitake_def = { title: 'Rikitake Attractor', integrator, dt: 0.009, x0: [0.268, 2, 0], f: ( (a=1, b=3.75) => ([x, y, z]) => [ -a*x + z*y, -a*y - (z - b)*x, 1 - x*y, ] )() }; const hyperchaos_def = { title: 'Hyperchaos Attractor', integrator, dt: 0.005, x0: [-20, 15, 0, 35], f: ( (a=0.25, b=-0.5, c=2.2, d=0.05) => ([x, y, z, w]) => [ -y - z, x + a*y + w, c + x*z, b*z + d*w, ] )() }; const point_cloud_def = { title: 'Lorenz Attractor With Point Cloud', integrator, dt: 0.005, x0: [3, 3, 1], params: { sigma: 10, r: 28, b: 8/3 }, f: ([x, y, z], {sigma, r, b}) => [ sigma*(y - x), r*x - y - x*z, x*y - b*z, ], skip: 1000, steps: 10000, point_cloud: { n: 10000, c: [1, 1, 1], r: 0.05, dt: 0.05, } }; // set the equation definition to plot // go(lorenz_def); // go(owl_def); // go(rossler_def); // go(rikitake0_def); // go(rikitake_def); // go(hyperchaos_def); go(point_cloud_def);